
Average score 815 Reviews
Luis “Loulou” Stein noted on Google

5 months ago
Rebagliato annie noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The best (Original) Le top

5 months ago
Sabrina Cupperi noted on Google

5 months ago
Marjorie Catania noted on Google

5 months ago
Camille Maillard noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I enjoyed the main course but was disappointed with the sushi which was not great, too sticky for my taste, I who love it was disappointed! On the other hand, the dish is really good, nothing to say about that (Original) Je me suis régalée avec le plat principal en revanche déçu des sushis qui n’était pas terrible, trop collant à mon goût, moi qui adore ça j’étais déçu ! En revanche le plat vraiment bon rien à dire sur ça

6 months ago
Marie Monteil noted on Google

6 months ago
Zhenya Lee-Johnson noted on Google

Great quality buffet

6 months ago
Magali BROUSSE noted on Google

6 months ago
Chris BOYER noted on Google

6 months ago
jc no noted on Google

6 months ago

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101 Chemin de la Palud
84100 Orange, France

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